We've all heard it at one time or another from the Anti-Superhero snobs: "Marvel and DC are as different as Coke and Pepsi"...the familiar charge that America's two largest comic book publishers have product as indistinguishable from the other as the famous Cola Giants.
In answer to that charge, I'll let my favorite Norse thunder god do the talking, "I say thee NAY!"
True, there have been some superficial similarities (such as their mutual focus on superheroes), but the educated fan can easily rattle off key stylistic differences between Marvel and DC Comics...and that's what it's all about here at Comic Coverage. Educating the comics fans of past, present, future, and assorted alternate futures...so let's get to those differences.
Sure, there's the standard differences you find in all the comic book histories, such as DC's traditional preference for plot-driven, squeaky-clean stories vs. Marvel's more character-driven melodramas...or DC's anonymous "editor" figure vs. Marvel's affable "crazy uncle" figure of Stan Lee, and so on, and so forth. You've heard it a thousand times. Then there's the subtle, yet truly profound difference that will forever drive a cosmic stylistic wedge between these two publishing titans.
Of course, I'm referring to The Floating Head Cover!
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