Well....the day I was hoping wouldn't come has arrived.
As you've probably figured out from the post title and the cover of Fantastic Four #43 (1965), I've decided to bring the Comic Coverage Blog to an end. Odd timing, since I just spent five days celebrating my three year run...but considering cataclysmic comic book events usually take place in anniversary issues, maybe it's the right time after all.
A variety of factors lead to my decision:
1. I'm incredibly proud of the work I've done on Comic Coverage, and rather than risk an even further dip in quality and frequency, I thought it best to end it before that body of work was compromised.
2. As much as I hate to bring this up, I've been dealing with a repetitive stress shoulder injury for a little over a year (my drawing arm, of course). Moving from a more or less daily blogging schedule to an every-other-day schedule has helped with the healing process, but eliminating this extra-curricular (and non-paying) demand on my shoulder should help even more.
3. Having just sent my daughter off to college and with Fall just around the corner, the feeling of "change" is heavy in the air...a feeling that naturally leads me to reassess where I'm at and how I want to spend my days. As much genuine joy as I've had doing the Comic Coverage blog over the years, there are other things I'd like to do that blogging has curtailed or prevented me from doing...and it's time to change that.
4. Like Ben Grimm on the cover above, I'm beat. My energy level and enthusiasm for blogging seems to have taken a nosedive. I still have plenty of good ideas for blog posts, but I just don't have the excitement or ambition to do them properly. So, rather than just half-heartedly "slog-blogging" (blogging just to blog), I think it's best to step away before it becomes the inert, irrelevant non-entity so many other blogs degrade into.
So, with all that said, it's still pretty tough to let go of something I've had so much fun with. A Galactus-sized THANK YOU to all of my readers, especially the "regulars" whose comments and encouragement made blogging such a great "interactive" experience for me. I'll miss all of your interesting, funny, and thought-provoking perspectives.
Most of all, THANK YOU to all of the comic book creators who brought me countless hours of joy and excitement over the years. In fact, I consider Comic Coverage essentially one big "thank you letter" to the talented storytellers of years gone by.
Will I be back? I don't know. I personally get tired of bloggers who make grand "farewells", yet keep slinking back onto the stage a few weeks or months later...and that's not my style. It's certainly possible I could resume blogging someday or somewhere...but at this point, not likely.
Thanks again for making Comic Coverage part of your day. I hope it was as fun for you as it was for me. God bless!