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August 02, 2009


Pat Curley

The "Japanese caricature" is clearly intended to be Hideki Tojo, the prime minister in charge of Japan's in World War II. He was bald and had those goggle-type glasses; the buck teeth were an invention of the cartoon media (including the editorial cartoonists). Ironically, Tojo had no upper teeth as discussed here:


But the buck teeth, bald head and goggle glasses said Tojo to a generation of Americans.


ROTFLMFAO!!! That Busey pic is classic!!!!!


I remember that when Grundy hit the silver age, he reminded me a bit of the Hulk, as did Blockbuster(Batman)and...Bat-Hulk???

"Superman's Song" by Crash Test Dummies:

"Superman never made any money
Saving the world from Solomon Grundy"

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