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May 27, 2009


Pat Curley

DC pretty quickly established time travel methods for their characters in the 1960s, although of course Batman pioneered it with the Carter Nichols stories which ran for most of the Golden and part of the Silver Age. The Atom had the Time Pool, Green Lantern could just will himself into the future, Superman had that corkscrew style of flying, and for anybody who lacked superpowers there were the ubiquitous glass globe time machines.

Mark Engblom

My favorite time machine was Dr. Doom's, with that funky platform that moved up and down as the time frame changed in its path (revealing the background of whatever time period you were traveling to or from).


I love your comment about Spidey being the "Charlie Brown" of super heroes. That's exactly how I've thought of him for years. Charlie Brown and Peter Parker could do a lot of male bonding!

Of course, I happen to be a huge fan of both.

Paul McCall

My favorite was Superman flying through the center of a roll of multi-flavored Life Savers with dates zipping past him! I never got the impression he was "cork-screw" flying tho' Pat, just flying faster than light.


Per Pat Curley above--One thing I didn't appreciate in silver age DC till I got a perspective was the specific means each hero used to time travel, like the Atom's time pool. This made their heroes unique.

I also liked Doom's time platform and Superman's streaming years.

Pat Curley

Look at Adventure #355's cover for an example of the corkscrew motion, Paul. It's hard to represent graphically, but you can see the motion lines indicating that he is not just flying, but twirling at the same time.

daily comic book covers

that treadmill scan is hilarious

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