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April 02, 2009



Congrats! Looks very pretty.

Didn't realize Scott and Chris got so many luminaries to contribute to the book. Can't wait to hear what Mr. Ellison had to say.

Always was a fan of his work, but that new docu, Dreams with Sharp Teeth, really cemented my addiction.


Congrats, Mark. This has been on my radar... didn't know you were involved. A 'must have' now.

Mark Engblom

I'm sure you'll enjoy it, Skeeter. It seems like it'll be a step above the typical comic book primer, so I'm proud to be a part of it.

david w

Looks like a cool book, and Harlan Ellison as well. Congratulations. I'll look for it in a store.


Hi Mark,
Congrats on being part of the book-- it looks great, and I'm a big fan of "Comics 101," so I look forward to picking it up.

Hey, speaking of fandom-- don't know if you saw this post, but I gave you a "Dardos" award awhile back-- they are designed to recognize great blogs and to foster a sense of community. Someone gave me one, and I passed it on to you. I wanted to mention it as a way of saying thanks for a great blog, and also to let you know so you could pass it on to five other blogs (that's one of the "rules" of accepting it). Hope you are doing well!

Andrew Wales

Really great! Congratulations on your success. You really deserve it!

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