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April 21, 2009


Wes C

I remember seeing ads for Steel in the early 80's Red Circle Archie revival. If I recall Rudy Nebres was doing the art (or at least art for the ad I remember).

That second panel just kills me. Who amongst us hasn't had the urge to plunge headfirst into a vat of molten metal?

BTW: The Black Hood comics Red Circle put out have back up stories of the Fox written and drawn by Alex Toth - some of the best comics art I've ever seen.

Here's a link to one of the pages

Sorry to veer so far off topic, I just can't resist a chance to praise those comics!

ShadowWing Tronix

Archie also had their old super hero character's origins in a set of strips appearing in Sonic the Hedgehog, some with a PSA slant. Steel Sterling was one of them, but I believe it was his son strangly drawn to a forge. Then he walks in and comes out with super powers. I'd have to look for it.


What can you say? It's science.

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