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February 13, 2009


John Nowak

It's moments like this that make me glad I don't work in the comic book industry.

On one hand, a non-dramatic and low-keyed "she died peacefully in her sleep" would hav been a real first in comics, [probably even now], and I can't help but think it's one that would hit home to the audience. Can you imagine thousands of readers seeing that and mentally capping it with "...just like grandma?"

Which sounds morbid put that way, but I have to think that being reminded that (fortunately) that's the way most people go would be a comfort.

But on the other hand, she's such a neat character. The thing I remember most about the early Spider-Man Essentials reprint is Aunt May trying to cajole Peter into a blind date with that nice Mary Parker girl.

Laugh all you want. Aunt May Knew.


Dave Krasakove is an unusual enough name (only 3 Google hits, and one is this very page), and the years seem to match up fairly well, so I bet this is the guy!


Sounds like he's probably gotten over it, but perhaps not. Note that we wrote a legal ethics piece entitled "Ethics: Clarifying Your Client’s Identity." No doubt prompted by that actress who impersonated Aunt May and then died, or perhaps LMD/Skrull concerns.

Pat Curley

I used to feel like this before I understood how Aunt May's health perfectly balanced with Uncle Ben's death, keeping Peter constantly on the knife-edge. His obligations to his dead uncle (with great power comes great responsibility) conflict with his obligations to his live aunt. It's a brilliant design.


An even better question would be what would Dave think of Peter giving up his marriage and his happiness for "one more day" of life for his lovable, sickly aunt?

Ralph C.

Cerebus the Aardvark died of old age in Dave Sim's epic "Cerebus" comics. There was nothing really flashy about his death.


Aunt May's predilection for heart attacks and hospital visits was, for a very,very long time, her defining characteristic. I felt like our letter writer Dave for much of the '70's and '80's. I wanted her out of the book.

I liked her a lot better during Straczynski's run, when she was a much stronger character. Similarly, I like how she is portrayed in the films.

Chris Tolworthy

Off topic, but it appears that one of your Comic Blogs links is now dead (excellent link list by the way - and even more excellent blog!) The author of "I wasted my life" has apparently reformed.

Unless that was the point of the joke and I'm the last one to get it....

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