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February 25, 2009


Pat Curley

Do potatoes actually rot much? They're one of the few foodstuffs that you can leave out for weeks at a time.

I've often thought that somebody should put together the "DC-opedia" some day with all those fillers.

My English major dad would point out that the word you're looking for is "clamoring".


Oh yes, potatoes can rot.

My roommate left bag a potatoes under our kitchen sink and then he deployed for Turkey for three months where the potatoes remained forgotten.

A month later after I moved out he called and told me he found them dried and shriveled where he left them. Explained both why there were fruit flies everywhere and why the sink smelled like something died there.

Comic Coverage

Thanks, Pat. Correction made.

Yeah, potatoes were certainly an odd choice. I can imagine them using, instead, one of those corpses from the old E.C. comics for the "rotting" panel.

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