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January 14, 2009



Just to nitpick, the name of the company in question is McDonnell Douglas.

Ian B

I find myself strangely fascinated by this story...


Not to quibble (because I never quibble...except that one time in college...but I NEVER inhaled), but I posted the link. Ian posted the suggestion to contact Revell.

Comic Coverage

Whoops! Sorry, greyman! I'll correct it tonight when I get some time. Can't go givin' credit where it isn't due!


Wow... I've taken my nephew there many times and seen that thing. I never knew that was the back story to it.

Brian Hill

The boy who won the Gemini was Robbie Alen Hanshew of Portland.
Here's the link:

Mike Mackowski

According to an old issue of Boys Life, the winner was Alen Hanshew (age 13) of Portland.

Stacy Brian Bartley

According to a a copy of Boy's Life preserved by Google, the winner was Scout Robbie Alen(sic?) Hanshew(sic?) age 13 of Portland Oregon.

I was a bit younger, like age 8-9 when I saw the ad and I had visions of having it my backyard and playing in it.

Rick Hamell

It would have been shipped the last few miles by truck. At the time OMSI was located in a building Portland's Washington Park and shared a parking lot with the Portland Zoo. All these locations are on a hill above the city and a ways away from any trains.

That would be here in the building marked "Children's Museum."

OMSI moved down to Portland's waterfront on the Willamette River in 1992.

For those interested, the Submarine outside in the river is the USS Blueback, the last non-nuclear submarine in the USN Navy (last to join, and last to be decommissioned.) She is most famous for having a small part as the USS Dallas in the movie "Hunt For Red Octorber."

Jim Spellman

What's still a mystery is where did the Gemini retro package and equipment module go?

According to the Revell ad and press clippings of the winner, OMSI received the entire 19-foot long vehicle with all three segments, yet only the two-seat command module mock-up is seen in the OMSI photo today.

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