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January 06, 2009



I remember Dredd being particularly popular when I was in high school. Wound up putting off picking it up. By the time I was seriously considering picking it up (this was late 80's/early 90's), I was beginning to get burned out on the big guns/big shoulder pad genre. Funny to think about how this trend--that so defined the early 90's in comic books--really started so much earlier.

Think Rob Liefeld was a fan of Judge Dredd?

Comic Coverage

I don't know, but the late 70's and 1980's British school of character design certainly had plenty of the superfluous costuming that Liefeld must have been fond of. However, you get a sense with the British stuff that it's more tongue-in-cheek or satirical....whereas Liefeld seemed to see that stuff as a genuinely "kewl" approach to costume design.


I became a big Dredd fan in the very late 80's. I liked the economical approach to story telling that the smaller page count per story dictated. I also really dug the art. I actually liked the other guys over Bolland (who I have nothing but respect for). I felt that their rawer, scratchy art fit the tone of the world better than Bollands slick (but very impressive) line did. While not a particuraly a fan of his art, Carlos Ezquerra drew in a style that still boggles my mind to this day.

I also feel that Dave Gibbons did the best work of his career on the Rouge Trooper stories, an excellent blend of Wally Wood like detail and dystopian post apocalyptic future.

As far as Liefeld and company are concerned;
In my mind they seem miles away from the punk mindset that the English had ie: cool visuals to go with short concise stories as opposed to the "Image" approach of "badass" visuals that have no grounding in story or concept, other than looking "badass".

Those guys would have taken an 8 page Dredd story and turned it into a meandering 8 issue bungle.

Comic Coverage

I don't think it was the storytelling style or length that could have influenced Liefeld, et al., but rather just the elaborate ornamentation seen in the visuals of British characters like Judge Dredd, the ABC Warriors, and Strontium Dog. That's what I think made a big impression on Lil' Robbie Liefeld.


If only he could have picked up on the qualities beneath the surface ornamentation.

But that always was the Image guys biggest problem.

Greyman has a good point, I'd never thought about the 2000 A.D. characters as the precursors to the grim 'n gritty shoulder pad guys.

BTW: Thanks for bringing up the ABC Warriors, I forgot to mention them. They were a heck of a lot of fun too!

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