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December 12, 2008


Z Ryan

I ALMOST responded right off the bat on the hope that my petty knowledge of six wouldn't run into any competition. But then I thought... nah, you always have contestants.

I should have listened to my instincts!!

I knew:
3. White Martians
5. White Tiger I
8. Perry White, editor of The Daily Planet.
14. White Tiger III
16. White Queen
18. White Tiger IV

Michael Lee

Nine out of eighteen - 50%. Not too shameful. Bit of a cheat though having FOUR White Tigers!


I unfortunately had the same attitude as Z Ryan. "Surely someone out there would out-nerd me..."

As usual, love the site. Merry Christmas!

Comic Coverage

"Bit of a cheat though having FOUR White Tigers!"

A cheat or a clever curve ball? YOU be the judge!

" "Surely someone out there would out-nerd me..."

Sort of a variation of that old "no matter how big and tough you are, there's always someone bigger and tougher" sentiment. Yeah, there's always someone out there with more nerd prowess, but hey...you'll never know unless you enter these nerd-tastic contests of mine! In fact, the winner of the contest said he had a similar doubt when submitting his answers (that surely someone else would know more), but he won!

Let your geek flag fly!


Huh. Iceman has his own rogues' gallery? Or even his own rogue, singular?


Just wanted to say that I got the DVD. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

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