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December 21, 2008



Just wanted to say Happy Birthday.

Pat Curley

I loved Superman the Movie as well, and for many of the same reasons; I was so accustomed to cheesy superhero adaptations that it stunned me that movie makers could actually do it well.

One thing did bug me, though, and that was the bit at the end where Superman goes back in time to save Lois. Weisinger had specifically ruled that out time travel to change history in a Superboy story that was often referenced in the Silver Age.

Mark Engblom

Yeah, the time travel/turn back the world bit was probably the lone sour note of the entire movie when I saw it for the first time (the Otis stuff wasn't particularly entertaining as well).

And, hey Rick, thanks!

John Trumbull

I saw Superman: The Movie when I was 6 years old, and it's still my favorite comic book movie. It's the movie that made me fall in love with movies, and will ALWAYS be the definitive Superman movie.


I remember my father taking me to see that movie. It's one of my first memories (I was 5 at the time).

The screen of that movie theater was inset...a weird and unfortunate detail that often messed with the quality of the picture. But, at the time, it seemed amazing. It made it like looking into a diorama...peering into another world.

Also remember finding one of my father's Playboys, many years later, featuring Valerie Perrine. But that's another story...

Mark Engblom

Yes, as newly adolescent boys watching the movie, Valerie Perrine was definitely one of the headli...I mean HIGHlights of the movie.

Dan Lietha

Happy Birthday Mark! I'm playing the John Williams Superman theme on my iTunes in honor of your birthday as I write this note. Yes, that was a movie BURNED into my memory too. The music takes me back in time and I don't even have to fly around the earth to make it spin backwards to do it! Now I want to go and find my copy of the movie and watch it. It'd be fun to watch it with you sometime and we could geek our over it together. Happy birthday again and have a great celebration!


...with the promise of even better stuff to come.

Notwithstanding A.O. Scott's insistence earlier this year that The Dark Knight was the peak and that it's downhill from here on in.


Ach... I was born like a month before. And very strange I came across this blog because I just bought the Superman Box set for myself as a Christmas present.
The first Superman movie I saw was actually Superman 4. But they played the extended versions of the first, second and fourth movie a lot when I was a kid. The helicopter scene will always be the best scene of all time. The timing of the music along with the multiple quick views of Superman flying up. Awesome.

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