For as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by the meeting of opposites.
However, as memorable as the Snow Miser-Heat Miser rivalry remains, another fire and ice clash earlier that same year made an even bigger impact on this newly-minted eight year-old comic book fan.
Although Marvel Team-Up was essentially a Spider-Man title, fellow hotshot The Human Torch "guest hosted" in a number of of which was the memorable Marvel Team-Up #23. As you can see from the dynamic cover (click for a larger view), the Torch was bringing the heat against his chilly counterpart the Iceman, a teenage member of the original X-Men.
As these intramural Marvel conflicts usually went, a misunderstanding lead to a full-fledged battle, as gloriously choreographed by artist Gil Kane...
(click on the pages for a larger view)
The Torch then jumped into "summary flashback" mode, passing on an account of a mysteriously icy bank robber that Spider-Man had told him about earlier. We now resume the clash of the temperature titans...
Question: What's cooler than a fire lasso? Answer: Ice scissors!
A few panels later, the X-Men showed up and stopped the battle...which lead to a reluctant team-up between Johnny Storm and Bobby Drake. Patrolling the area, they finally located Equinox the Thermo-Dynamic Man (sort of a composite, making it a triple (or would that be quadruple?) Fire vs. Ice extravaganza.
Does it compare to today's standards of more subtle and sophisticated comic book storytelling? Some would say "no" and dismiss it as a simplistic slugfest with hokey dialogue. Me? I'm an unapologetic fan of these so-called "old school" stories, especially when it features such a cataclysmic clash of opposites!
In other words, another clip for The Hightlight Reel!
You know, the "Snowmiser/Heatmiser" song is the only Christmas song I can get my humbug girlfriend to listen to without complaint. :D
Posted by: Blake | December 14, 2008 at 05:24 PM
It's certainly a memorable song...especially since it's been stuck in my head since I wrote this post!
Badump bump bump BAAAAA bump!
Posted by: Mark Engblom | December 14, 2008 at 08:27 PM
So did you catch the new Miser Bros. cartoon this year, Mark? It's on ABC Family. And my DVR box, so I can't tell you if it's any good.
Posted by: ShadowWing Tronix | December 14, 2008 at 08:54 PM
I'm not sure if I want to see the new one. Other attempts to do new stuff with old characters usually fail horribly, and I would expect the same thing with the new Miser bros. project. I'm always hoping to be surrprised, though. Let me know if it's worth watching.
Posted by: Comic Coverage | December 14, 2008 at 09:06 PM
Something that always bothered me, even as a kid, was the those ice bridges/slides. What happened to them after Iceman had slid past? Wouldn't they fall to the streets as great big lethal chunks of ice?
Posted by: Ian B | December 15, 2008 at 09:02 AM
Oh, absolutely! Also, the physics of the ice slides were beyond impossible, and should have crumbled the second he formed them.
At least Spider-Man's weblines eventually dissolved!
Posted by: Mark Engblom | December 15, 2008 at 10:56 AM
Yes, the ice slides reminded me of the gag cartoon where some strongman's lying on a hammock that is tied at one end to a tree while he holds up the other end with one hand. Cute, but no leverage.
There is an earlier Human Torch/Iceman crossover, way back in Strange Tales #120. The cover shows them fighting side by side, but I'd be surprised if there wasn't a little battle before they teamed up. And of course there were a few Captain Cold/Heatwave matchups on the villainy side.
Loved your post on the evil opposite numbers (I really have to dig through your archives some day), but you missed one oddball class of doppelgangers: the all-your-heroes-in-one villains like Amazo, the Composite Superman and the Super-Adaptoid.
Posted by: Pat Curley | December 15, 2008 at 11:40 AM
"...but you missed one oddball class of
doppelgangers: the all-your-heroes-in-one villains like Amazo, the
Composite Superman and the Super-Adaptoid. "
Oh, I'm definitely going to cover them. As I've told others who've inquired, I like these guys so much, I want to devote an entire week's worth of posts to 'em. Even today, I snap up back issues with any of these "all-in-one" guys in them (love that term, by the way...I think I'll use it)!
Look for that series in January!
Posted by: Comic Coverage | December 15, 2008 at 12:14 PM
When I saw this, I thought you were going to talk about Tora Olafsdotter and Bea da Costa...
Posted by: Alexandra Kitty | December 16, 2008 at 10:17 AM
I remember Iceman's booties, but I've never seen Johnny Storm in red tights, a la his android namesake.
When did the Human Torch get the authority to "arrest" anybody??
Posted by: Grumpy | December 16, 2008 at 10:34 PM
Not to mention, "Arrest" them by tying them up in a burning lasso. Sounds like a recipe for a quick lawsuit.
Posted by: Ken Walden | December 20, 2008 at 11:20 AM