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November 18, 2008


Pat Curley

Some of the imaginary stories are among the best Superman stories of that era: The Death of Superman from Superman #149 and Superman Red and Superman Blue from Superman #162 are among my favorite Superman stories.

That said, I hate to have to tell you that the ad lied; none of the stories in 80-Page Giant #1 were imaginary. Several were dream stories and the Supermenace story was "real".

Mark Engblom

Yeah, I didn't find that out until years later when I actually owned this particular issue. But the ad's (and the cover's) effect on me seemed to "set the hook" even deeper in an imagination already enamored with comic book fiction. At that point, the possibilities really did seem endless...which is always the ideal in storytelling, wouldn't you say?

Pat Curley


I always felt that the dream stories were effectively the precursor to imaginary tales anyway.


The Imaginary Stories were great because in many of them, characters died. When Superman's three LL wives died--corny, I know, but what a tearjerker! These stories made quite an impression on me when I was a kid.

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