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November 03, 2008


Z Ryan

6 out of 10 with some correct guesses. I was in the dark with this one.

Ivan Wolfe

I was totally in the dark. I got 4 out of ten, and I knew those four, but I guessed on the other 6 and got every single one wrong.


Blimey, that was a difficult one. Just 5 out of the 10 correct (and one or two of those were guesses). My lame excuse is that I'm not in the USA so don't know much about your Presidents - even though many of those listed were fictional. Like I said, lame. :)


70 percent here. I had forgotten that Luthor even had a nominal party affiliation.

That "President Luthor" storyline was one of the biggest missed opportunities in presidential comics. It could have actually been interesting and fun if done by anyone with even the *vaguest* notion of how our political system actually works. I always thought it would be fun to look at it from the perspective of Luthor actually wanting to be President because he honestly wanted to help his country. (In comic books, at least, being the head of an Evil Corporation gives you *more* power than being President, with no pesky Constitutional constraints.)

De Baisch

I posted the blasted cover to Cap #250 on my blog this morning and got the question wrong!

If you need me, I'll be in my corner of shame.

Mark Engblom

Hey, guys...don't feel too bad. Several of these I would have missed too if I hadn't done the research to look them up. Hope you had fun anyway!

Wes C

40% - My quiz result yet!
Oh well, I'll be more prepared for the next one in 2012.

Michael Rebain

80%! Thanks to a couple of lucky guesses (and two wrong ones).

Totally agree that the President Lex storyline was one of the worst executed ideas of all time. Even within the context of a fictional reality it was painful to read.

Mark Engblom

President Lex was so emblamatic of that era of Superman comics, under the incompetent stewardship of editor Eddie Berganza. Like so many of their dead-end stories, interesting concepts or ideas would be advanced, but then completely bungled on execution...made worse by a team of creators with very different storytelling skills, artistic sensibilities, and enthusiasm. Who can forget Superman's wildly uncharacteristic, childish temper tantrum on the moon following Luthor's election victory? Makes me even more grateful for the excellent, high quality Superman stories being told today.


I think the "Berganza Era" would make great fodder for a case study (by someone with a strong stomach) on "How not to handle Superman." I'm not sure I could point to exactly *why* it was wrong, but I know my run of Superman comics, hitherto-unbroken since Byrne's "Man of Steel" mini, finally ended there (and happily resumed circa One Year Later.)


(Addition to previous thought)
As someone once noted, if Superman, Action, Batman, and Detective aren't among DC's very best ongoing comics, *something* is seriously wrong....

Mark Engblom

Yeah, I was able to hang on (barely!) through the Berganza Experience. The point that almost sent me running for the hills was toward the end of the dreadful Joe Casey run on Adventures of Superman where he had the bright idea of portraying Superman as a committed pacifist who avoided violence at all costs. No...really. Superman has been many things over his 70 year history, but a doctrinaire pacifist certainly shouldn't be one of them.

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