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October 14, 2008



Woohoo! Thanks! Chapel took me a minute, the rest I knew offhand -- but the one I couldn't figure out for the life of me was Bloodaxe. I'm surprised that Marvel would allow anyone other than the Red Skull to wear a red skull.

Mark Engblom

Good point...though I don't think the Red Skull is in a position to argue with the guy (considering Bloodaxe looks to be about three times the size of the Skull...with pointy spikes!


I'm surprised that Thulsa Doom wasn't included. http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/thulsa16.gif


Oh yeah, Thulsa Doom was a great one. I liked that Marvel shook things up occasionally by having him fight Conan in addition to old King Kull.

Mark Engblom

Wow...that *is* a good one. Unfortunately, he was completely off my radar (with the exception of the James Earl Jones version from the Conan movie). Thanks for the link!


From what I've read, Mattel's He-Man toyline was supposed to be a series of Conan toys, but for whatever reason it was scrapped, so they made "Conan's" hair a different color and hired a writer to create a new universe around the toys. It'd explain Skeletor's resemblance to Thulsa Doom, and the whole Snake Men/Snake Mountain thing...but I'm not sure how much truth there is to that story.

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