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October 13, 2008



I always loved Brain Storm. Talk about a sense of personal style.

Batman and Creeper also fought a paper guy in Brave & the Bold -- some kind of origami man. Those paper cuts are no joke!

The Headmen were ridiculous, but I liked the fact that most of them (except Ruby Thursday) were actual characters from the old weird tales of 1950s Marvel comics.


And had I actually followed the links, I would have seen that you already covered the Origami Man in a previous chapter. Well done!

I have to admit, though, that a lot of these picks are actual personal favorites of mine. Better these than Bane or Doomsday any day.

Mark Engblom

"I have to admit, though, that a lot of these picks are actual personal favorites of mine. Better these than Bane or Doomsday any day."

Yes, there's an undeniable charm to many of these lovable losers...especially in comparison with modern age killers and sadists. However...some of these guys just need to be called out, don't you think?

As for Origami Man, I wonder how he'd fare up against Paper Man? Would one of them beat the other one to a pulp?

(groan) Sorry.


And what is Angle Man doing underwater? Angling doesn't really work that way.

Mark Engblom

That angle man....always figuring out a new angle.

Okay, I'll stop now.


One of my favorite moments in Keith Giffen's JLI was when Brainstorm lost his helmet in a poker game.

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