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October 31, 2008



Funny how it's an all Marvel line-up of Bizarro (a DC villain) bad guys. Truly bizarre! And bad! (though in an amusing way)

Pat Curley

The image isn't showing up for me, although Nimbus apparently saw it.

Mark Engblom

Whoops! Sorry about that. It was set as a CMYK image...but it's now good old RGB...so you should be able to see it now. I apologize for the confusion!


Great job, Mark! A truly horrifying assembly.


Venom is the best(worst?)


hasn't anybody pointed out that is not Magneto, but Professor Chaos from South Park?...Butters is Professor Chaos and he has a minion General Disarray.

Mark Engblom

Yeah, someone did point that out on the Bizarro Magneto thread. I'd said that the site I nabbed the photo from labeled it as "Magneto", and not being a viewer (or fan) of South Park, I included it with the other Magnetos. It was too late to just yank it, so I said future voters should take that into consideration and vote accordingly. Apparently, the majority of voters picked him anyway.

Ivan Wolfe

That just makes him a doubly bizarro Magneto!

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