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September 06, 2008


Mr Element-Dr Alchemy

I totally agree, I always dug the trench coat look. Why not just create new characters.


Great post; I like the noir look of the suits, especially matched with masks- you're so right about the creepiness of Sandman's gas-mask.

J. Kevin Carrier

The Crimson Avenger was more of a knock-off of the Green Hornet, wasn't he? Owned a newspaper, had an Asian sidekick/chauffeur, etc.? Although I guess you could say that Green Hornet owed a bit to the Shadow in the first place.

ShadowWing Tronix

Both characters have returned to their original looks. I don't know if Crimson Avenger ever had comics again like Sandman, but he does appear in Justice League Unlimited. That's one odditiy in the show for me. CA, Shining Knight, and the cowboy-themed version of Vigilante all show up in both the cartoon and comic versions of Justice League Unlimited quite often for not being the original show team, but how many kids ever heard of them? I didn't know their names until the closing credits and comics, and I still don't really know who they are.

Mark Engblom

"I don't know if Crimson Avenger ever had comics again like Sandman..."

Well, there's a modern incarnation of the character who's a blindfolded African American woman who executes criminals with mystic bullets. She has some kind of connection to Lee Travis (the original Avenger), but I can't recall what it is. She's an intriguing character, to be sure. But as for the original, I think he's officially six feet under.

"CA, Shining Knight, and the cowboy-themed version of Vigilante all show up in both the cartoon and comic versions of Justice League Unlimited quite often for not being the original show team, but how many kids ever heard of them?"

I think I recall the episode you're talking about. They were all officially members of the JLU (all superheroes on Earth were technically members), but in the episode you're referring to, the creators of the show were doing a little nod to the Seven Soldiers of Victory, which was the Golden Age super-team they all belonged to (sometimes known as The Law's Legionaires).

The characters in question were the Vigilante, Shining Knight, Crimson Avenger (as you mentioned), as well as Green Arrow, Speedy (or whatever his codename was on the JLU show), Stargirl and the robot S.T.R.I.P.E.


Of course, the reason we like the "cape and fedora" look today is that in our modern era, it's a very distinctive, unusual look; in 1940-something, it was literally and figuratively "old hat."

I'd imagine Sandman and Crimson Avenger gave off a vibe to readers of the time not unlike what we'd think of some guy with a mullet, claws, a jacket, and random pouches all over his uniform today.

(Which brings up the scary possibility that *that* look will be "fresh" again in a decade or so....)

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