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August 04, 2008



No love for the '98 Blade flick? X-Men hit it July 2000, according to IMDB.

Great stuff here from that magazine. I'm glad none of that worked out, really.

ploni van almoni

Hey there was a howard the duck movie!
And it was ridiculus....
Oh and I'm pretty sure there was a punisher movie in the 80's..


The Punisher movie starred Dolph Lungren in the title role and was released in 1989 or 1990. They started from scratch with the Thomas Jane film a couple of years ago, and now I understand the new movie is yet another reboot?

De Baisch

Linear induction is real. It's the principal driver for maglev trains and particle accelerators. It's a means of guiding an object along a path without friction. I suppose it could be used to levitate a surfboard but the apparatus required would no doubt be incredibly expensive; it would be much cheaper to use a green screen.

Does anyone else remember the ad in Marvel's comics back in 1986 looking for a girl to co-star in the Captain America musical? Does anyone know what happened to that production or was it quietly canned?

Mark Engblom

"No love for the '98 Blade flick? X-Men hit it July 2000, according to IMDB."

Thanks for the reminder on the X-Men date. I've changed the text in the post. As for Blade...yeah, that was definitely a step in the right direction for Marvel films. As good as the first Blade was, I still consider the X-Men movie the thing that really got the comics-to-film process kick-started.

As for the Punisher movie, we can probably file that in the same fumbling-bumbling category as the aborted F.F. movie and the Captain America direct-to-video disaster. In fact, wasn't the Lungren Punisher movie also direct-to-video?

"Does anyone else remember the ad in Marvel's comics back in 1986 looking for a girl to co-star in the Captain America musical? "

No...never heard of that, but I'm certainly intrigued! My guess is that, yes, it was probably quietly canned due to the usual reasons stuff like this falls through. Geez, what was it with Marvel properties and musicals?


From the bits and pieces of info I've come across over the years, it sounds like the 1986 Cap musical that was advertised and the one mentioned by Stan here were probably the same project. An "aging Cap" was apparently part of that one, too.

There's a Spider-Man musical apparently in serious development now, by the person who did the Broadway "Lion King" musical. It sounds like they *might* just be able to pull it off... one thing that I like is that the musical will have a "Geek Chorus" that will interrupt the proceedings to nitpick continuity issues and such. I figure any project that has that idea can't be all bad....

It's reading stuff like this Amazing Heroes article for *years* during the '80s and '90s that has made me a hyper-skeptic that any comic book movie will ever get made. Even after seeing the trailer and cast photos and all, my gut reaction is *still* "A Watchmen movie? Yeah, right, that'll happen, just like all those other Watchmen movies, and the Plastic Man movie, and the Blackhawk movie, and...."

Johnny Bacardi

Orson Welles would have rocked as Odin. Yes he would have.

Wes C


That address leads to an entry on the Comic book Urban Legend site about the Cap Musical
(and some funny Liefeld stuff).

The Urban legend site is always pretty informative and entertaining.

Man, ALL of those projects sound terrible!
Ok, actually Orson Wells as Odin sounds great, everything else sounds like pure garbage.

But hey, at least that's a great Byrne FF cover!

De Baisch

"In fact, wasn't the Lungren Punisher movie also direct-to-video?"

It was indeed. There was a bit of talk in early 1988 about the film being released theatrically at the end of the summer but New World Pictures went bankrupt before that could happen.

Mark Engblom

"Orson Welles would have rocked as Odin. Yes he would have."

I don't know...by that time he was incredibly fat and probably wouldn't have fit the part (or Odin's throne). The voice of Welles could have been perfect for Odin, but physically he was closer to The Voluminous Volstagg!

Just thinking about Orson Welles wearing some of that elaborate, unweildy Odin headgear makes me crack a smile.....

Ralph C.

I have a copy (somewhere) of that Corman "Fantastic Four" film. For what it was, a way to keep from losing the copyright, it wasn't a bad film. Yes it was cheap and such but I thought it had some fun parts in it, and the costuming wasn't bad, and Dr. Doom looked okay.... I didn't think it was any worse than the first "Fantastic Four" film done a few years ago-- and that movie had a much bigger budget!

"Blade" was pretty darn good but "X-Men" did get the whole "cha-ching" aspect of comic book movies. I didn't like any of the "X-Men" films, either. Also, after watching "The Dark Knight", actually the next day, this past Sunday morning, I felt the need to get my thoughts out onto a computer screen. ... let's just say I wasn't so happy about that movie, either.

Mark Engblom

Yeah, I remember liking the first Blade quite bit, although the grandiose ending seemed at odds with the nice little street-level vibe they had going earlier in the film.

I thought the second X-Men film was the best of the lot, though the first one had its moments (like seeing Wolverine for the first time), and I didn't mind the third one as much as the "weeping and gnashing of teeth" crowd.

"Also, after watching "The Dark Knight", actually the next day, this past Sunday morning, I felt the need to get my thoughts out onto a computer screen. ... let's just say I wasn't so happy about that movie, either."

We're not the only ones, Ralph. I'm noticing more and more commentors across the web taking a harder look at Dark Knight and finding it lacking. Not the worst movie ever made, but certainly not the Manna from Heaven so many are hyperventilating over.


I found Dark Knight to be a good film but not exactly brilliant. Iron Man, for me, was a much better.

Anyway, stretching things a little here, but wasn't "Men In Black" the first (ahem) Marvel comic book film to be a hit and start the ball rolling?

Men In Black was originally an Aircel book, but they were bought by Malibu who, in turn, were bought by Marvel in 1994. Admittedly, Men In Black wasn't a superhero comic book but I think it's success together with Blade and then X-Men pretty much sealed the deal with Marvel.


There's a Spider-Man musical apparently in serious development now, by the person who did the Broadway "Lion King" musical.

Okay, that's finally the first reasonable explanation I've seen for this Spider-vid. Scary!

chris w.

Bully has a scan of the Captain America musical ad:


Oh, and I love the Lundgren Punisher movie. It's worth watching, and deserved better than the direct-to-video treatment.

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