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August 11, 2008



I've just found my new catchphrase, "Backbone's better than beef!"

I laughed out loud over "or expect to be wounded" when the rules were explained for Bullets & Bracelets. Because, you know, bullets can't actually kill anyone when you shoot at someone's face.

Mark Engblom

"I laughed out loud over "or expect to be wounded" when the rules were explained for Bullets & Bracelets."

Yes, that quote is a masterpiece of understatement, isn't it?

You know...."Bullets and Bracelets" would be a great name for a girl band....and their first album could be "Expect to be Wounded".

Pat Curley

Hmmm, just rereading Teen Titans #4, in which Wonder Girl claims her Amazon ancestors helped start the Olympic Games. It's a dubious claim on the face of it, since women weren't allowed to be spectators at the original games (possibly because the contestants were naked). Maybe this is what she's referring to?

ShadowWing Tronix

I wonder if this is why the Amalgam team-up of Diana (not Wonder Woman, Storm took the Amalgam version of that title) and the Punisher was called "Bullets and Bracelets".

Mark. Engblom

Yeah, that title was definitely evoking the old "bullets and bracelets" Amazonian contest. Good catch.

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