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June 02, 2008



Happy 500th post, Mark! I've already read quite a few of those flashed-back posts (first time through), and I'll undoubtedly be savoring the rest over the next few days...

Congrats on a great and successful blog. Up, up and away!

ShadowWing Tronix

Now's your chance to tell us what you really think about Eddie Berganza. I'm not sure if any of his comics are in my collection.

ShadowWing Tronix

Oh, and don't forget if you do that you usually run a PG blog here. :)




Hmm, the Comments link on the June 3 post is broken for some reason, so I'll put this here.

The photo of the newsstand with Action Comics #1 for sale is apparently doctored, according to this blog post:


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