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May 05, 2008



It'd have to be Detective Comics #27. Not the best drawn cover, but it's a favorite anyway.


A lot of golden age books have a place in my heart often BECAUSE of the crude art. Maybe I'm in the minority on this but I can't get very into the really slick art of many of today's comics, with their glossy pages and heavy use of gradients (with some exception).

Mark Engblom

That's a fantastic example, MMFK. What I often try to do with covers like this (and All Star #3) is to imagine what it might have looked like to someone in the original audience, who (having virtually no previous context to compare it with) was most likely dumbfounded by the cover scene. Imagine just how STRANGE this stuff looked to a late 1930's, early 1940's audience...especially since they didn't have a lifetime of experience with whimsical, outlandish imagery like later generations would (with the advent of TV and an all-encompassing pop culture).

The shot of Batman on Detective #27 is incredibly eerie, even by today's standards...looking more like a vampire dragging off a victime than a crusading superhero (which is exactly the effect Bruce Wayne was going for, actually).

Good one!

Pat Curley

More than just the super-team concept, I think the signature significance of All-Star #3 was the idea that these characters shared the same universe.

The cover that still does it for me is Batman #31. Batman and Robin chasing some thug with a gun sounds pretty pedestrian, but the Batman logo cascades down the page, so that the impression is "Batman, Batman, Batman, Batman!"

And then Batman #47, with young Bruce Wayne crying as he reads a newspaper account of his parents' deaths, while the cowl looms behind him. It's quite extraordinary.

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