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April 21, 2008


Wade Wilkin

Oh yeah! The first time I saw that (hard to believe it was 9 years ago) I laughed til I cried! I like Aquaman's howl toward the end best.

ShadowWing Tronix

The original commercial started what is still the most annoying trend in my lifetime! I'm glad the fad went away before I had to be booked on murder charges. Ok, assault and battery, but still...

Mark Engblom

"The original commercial started what is still the most annoying trend in my lifetime!"

What would that trend be, ShadowWing? The "Whassup" catch phrase?

Wes C

I'm with Wade, that Aquaman bit cracks me up. I've always liked the intercom scene too.

Thanks Mark, I was trying to find this in my archives not too long ago.

And yes the whassup was extremely overplayed, but this one fake commercial is a hoot.

I seem to recall hearing that the Cartoon Network wanting to give the guy who made it a job- don't know if that's true or not, just what I heard.

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