They're trailblazers! They're mavericks! They're real life champions of justice from all over the world. Ladies and Gentlemen...Wave Two of "The Reals" (click on their photos for a larger view, and their names for more info):
Name: Superbarrio
Base of Operations: Mexico City, Mexico
Mission: Champion of the working class, the poor and the homeless.
Special Abilities: Leads protest rallies, files petitions and challenges court decisions
Quote: "I can't stop a plane or a train single-handed, but I can keep a family from being evicted."
Name: Foxfire
Base of Operations: Royal Oak, Michigan
Mission: "A troublemaking revolutionary dedicated to shifting the dominant paradigm."
Equipment: Various shamanic/magical implements.
Quote: "The current air of apocalyptic apathy is indicative of how much humanity has lost. Together with the rest of the Nameless Few, I will help to re-integrate humanity--as well as protect the downtrodden, the forgotten, and the helpless."
Name: Entomo the Insect Man
Base of Operations: Naples, Italy
Mission: "To make the world a fairer place, no matter how bad this can sound."
Abilities: Claims to "own" paranormal ability to tap into the "morphic field of anthropods".
Quote: "Hear my buzz, fear my bite. I inject justice."
Name: Boondoggle Girl
Base of Operations: Potsdam, New York
Mission: "I use boondoggle to fight what I hate...VILLAINY!"
Equipment: Boondoggle Boots and Boondoggle Lasso
Quote: "I sure love boondoggle."
Name: The Wallcreeper
Base of Operations: "A Colorado forest"
Mission: "To save my hometown from criminal corruption and destruction."
Abilities: Can scale difficult-to-climb buildings for observation and stealth purposes in a short amount of time. Capable of various martial arts (Hap Kido, Praying Mantis, Bagua, etc.). He claims to be a "pioneer in a semi-hypnotic skill, known as dream infiltration".
Equipment: Personalized battle suit mixed with crowd control blunt truama armor, and kevlar. Two swords (named "Twitch" and "Wind") used strictly for self defense, and a long retractable baton.
Quote: "I belong nowhere, but exist everywhere."
Oh,this is terrific.Or horrific.My thoughts:
1.Hey,it's latino wrestling sensation Senor BagofCrap!(you had to see it).
2.Actually sounds like a good mission except for the way he words it:"shifting the dominant paradigm" will never make it as a catchphrase.
3."I will inject justice".Now THAT's a catchphrase.
4."I am friendship bracelet man!I will unleash my braided bracelets of right to spread friendship wherever I go!"
5.Snake Eyes lives! Go Joe! Wait,how do you get a quote from a mute?
Posted by: Captain Average | March 19, 2008 at 06:06 AM
I never realized before now that "boondoggle" actually had some specific meaning....
Posted by: suedenim | March 19, 2008 at 06:21 AM
"Wait,how do you get a quote from a mute? "
Most of these guys (and gals) have MySpace pages...the perfect place to post their various musings and (in some cases) manifestos. Wallcreeper actually has his own Wiki page (which I linked to)...which one suspects Wallcreeper himself had a hand in creating.
"I never realized before now that "boondoggle" actually had some specific meaning...."
Ahh, but which Boondoggle came first: The definition for "an activity wasteful of time or money" or the friendship-creating/sustaining craft item?
The world may never know.
Posted by: Mark Engblom | March 19, 2008 at 07:16 AM
Superbarrio looks like he needs to cut down on the Superburritos!
Posted by: Pat Curley | March 19, 2008 at 05:31 PM
1) Wasn't Foxfire an actual Marvel character? She was a former villain of the Squadron Supreme "behavior modified" by the team to become good? She was Dr. Spectrum's squeeze before being killed in the climatic issue #12. I'm pretty sure that was her name.
2) "Superbarrio"?? That translates into "Super-neighborhood" in English! What the heck kinda moniker is that??
3) I love how "Entomo" is a play on "entomology," the "study of insects."
Posted by: Hube | March 21, 2008 at 07:43 AM
Hmmm...not sure on Foxfire's Marvel connection. Maybe their ninja lawyers are tracking her down as we speak (battling it out in the mean streets of Royal Oak, MI).
As for the "super-neighborhood" handle of our Mexican friend, I think Superbarrio is more of a political player than a traditional "chase the badguys" kind of hero. "Chasing" probably isn't high on Superbarrio's priority list.
I wonder who's in Entomo's rogues gallery? A giant magnifying glass trying to fry him with a concentrated beam of sunlight? RAID-Man? The Shoe?
Posted by: Mark Engblom | March 21, 2008 at 11:18 PM
Mark: I was just referring to the name "Foxfire," not the actual babe. Just to be clear!
Posted by: Hube | March 22, 2008 at 08:25 AM
Hi Mark,
I'm new here. Don't know if you mentioned or referenced the article about Reals here, but if not, it may be of interest:
Posted by: Marc at | March 22, 2008 at 10:35 PM
hi there
Just a comment...SUPERBARRIO is a REAL life character...I mean...He DOES GET INVOLVED with his costume in streets and uses his abilities to stop injustice...He even gets into the mexican TV news from time to time...Maybe he doesnt claim to have Super natural powers but he makes a difference....
OH, and superbarrio stands for a superhero that helps the barrio...the less fortunate human beings that need the most help.
Posted by: Justice Marvel | July 23, 2011 at 01:38 AM