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March 31, 2008



I ascertain from the tease image that this is going to be a story about power girl. i Hope power girl migrates back to earth-2 where she can be a vital and significant character.

Captain Average

This is so exciting to me!
I hope that the JSA continues to function on New Earth, with their mission of being a moral compass for all heroes.However, it's hard to picture a JSA without Jay,Alan,and Ted, so would one group do without, or would there be duplicates?Hmm.And a line of comics based on the New Earth-2 would surely get attention from me.


I totally agree on Ordway and the All-Star Squadron. For all its faults, I still loved that series. I'm a huge fan of Golden Age heroes and era.

Mark Engblom

"i Hope power girl migrates back to earth-2 where she can be a vital and significant character."

Well, in the defense of Geoff Johns, he's done a good job of making Power Girl into a decent character...and not just a huge bust with a cape. But there is a real "pull" for her toward Earth-2, and I think the character could really thrive there.

"However, it's hard to picture a JSA without Jay,Alan,and Ted, so would one group do without, or would there be duplicates?Hmm.And a line of comics based on the New Earth-2 would surely get attention from me."

Well, I suppose if they had some interesting "altered" versions of Jay, Alan, and Ted (as the black-uniformed Flash in that single panel shot implies), it could be a fun direction to pursue. Admittedly it gets a little crowded, but again....with strong creators running with this stuff, it could be one heck of a ride. That's key.

"I'm a huge fan of Golden Age heroes and era."

With the success of stuff like "The Twelve" and "Super Powers", in addition to the ongoing success of the JSA, I'm hoping there will be even more Golden Age fans. While the style of Golden Age stories no longer connects with a modern audience, Geoff Johns and others have proven that the characters are still of some value.


As much a fan of Earth-2 as I have been, I kind of wonder what the *point* of reintroducing Earth-2 is. Seems to me that, aside from Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman - and two of those are already dead on Earth-2, anyhow - most all the good stuff has been seamlessly integrated into New Earth. And while I think Johns' take on Power Girl is great, the "last survivor of Earth-2" part loses some of its poignancy if Earth-2's still there.

But I'm sure they're well aware of all that, and I'm curious to see where this is going.


Earth-2 and the Infinity Inc'ers are coming back?!? Darn it, Mark, you're just bound and determined to get me started buying comic books again, aren't you!

Wes C

I agree with Kyle.

I haven't bought a comic off the shelf in years, but I'll be picking that one up!

Mark Engblom

Hey, good to hear you guys are tempted to pick this one up. The fact that it's an Annual should mean that it'll be fairly accessible to people not following the monthly JSA title. Well....as accessible as a story about multiple earths can BE, that is. One of Geoff Johns' strengths is getting people into his stories quickly...so you'll be in good hands if you decide to pick it up. Trouble is, you'll have to wait a little while: it doesn't come out until this summer.

Joe Lewallen

Count me in. From the guy who rescued Hawkman and Hal Jordan from 1990's continuity hell, I'll buy anything Geoff Johns writes. I limit my self to collections these days, but I will be making an exception here.

Any word on the format? Will it be like JUSTICE where Ross paints over someone else's pencils? I feel warm and fuzzy looking at the Earth 2 Robin and Huntress welcoming Power Girl. Johns, Ross and Ordway: Failure is not an option.

Mark Engblom

My guess is that Alex Ross will be doing the cover only....although since he's been helping plot the ongoing ""Thy Kingdom Come" storyline, maybe he'll have a plotting credit for the Annual as well.

As cool as it would be to see Ross's painting over Ordway's pencils, I'm pretty sure Ordway has the interiors all to himself (no word who the inker might be...so maybe Ordway will be inking it as well).

I sure don't want to get my hopes up too high (since DC's dropped the ball so many times in the past), but it's certain to be a memorable story whatever the outcome.

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