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February 05, 2008



Def Leppard ROCKS, while Metallica merely SSSSS.

Dr. Retro

Just when I think you've shown the worst cover of all time, there is always a worse one. Although that Thor one from several posts back may still win the prize. Tough call.


Wow. Awful. I'm amused by the distorted soccer ball on the Rod Stewart cover though. At least that's what I think it is.

Mark Engblom

Yeah, that's the kind of image you don't want to spend too much time dissecting (i.e. the water droplets). Best to just concentrate on the Lady Elaine/Madame amalgamation of Rod Stewart's poorly drawn face.

Oh, and congratulations....you were my 1,500th comment on this blog. Now, doesn't that just make your day? ;)


Whoa even the name rock n roll comics is terible but having a bad cover with the bad title is like rock bottom


Sweet. Nice to have a reason to celebrate my blabbering. :)

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