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December 10, 2007


Matthew Byrd

I love the shameless plug at the end. :)
Seriously, how did comics go from $0.12 to $2.99? I can barely afford my regulars now, not to mention the "special of the week".

Mark Engblom

"I love the shameless plug at the end. :)"

Hey, 'tis the season to be plugging! Just trying to help out those last-minute internet shoppers (and get a few pennies into my kettle at the same time).

I have no idea how comics went from 12¢ to 299¢. Still...just when I'm about to give up on 'em forever, along comes something as magnificent as this week's conclusion to the Green Lantern vs. Sinestro Corps war. Just mindblowingly good stuff.

Matthew Byrd

Green Lantern #25 was like finishing an epic novel you've be reading since the Summer. No one but Geoff Johns could pull off such an amazing story. Some of these double sized issues are not worth the normal cover price, little lone the higher price (*cough* One More Day). But this super-sized end of the Sinestro War was worth every penny and then some. I bought it yesterday and have already read it twice. I haven't said that since, oh I don't know, The Sinestro Corps one shot back in June. And when was the last time a writer set up his next story arc two years in advance. Glad to hear I wasn't the only one that loved this story.
P.S. Keep up the great Blogging

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