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November 03, 2007



Maybe for you... but I have plans.

Soon the world will tremble before the new emperor of ALL TIME!

Ivan Wolfe

I already own all of TIME. You can't be Emporer unless I decide to lease it to you for a few eons.

e-mail me. We'll talk terms.


Fine. You can be emporer. I, however, have dibs on emperor of time, and I'll take it before you... Using TIME TRAVEL!

Mark Engblom

Now, now...there's plenty of space-time continuums for everyone.

Brian Disco Snell

Hey, the Pope once jumped the calender ahead 11 days--now that's time travel!!

Ivan Wolfe

I'm not an emporer or emperor. I have a power greater than mere monarchy: Mine is the power of the capitalist: I OWN TIME outright.

I have the deed right here (Right next to my title for the Brooklyn Bridge).

Mark Engblom

"Hey, the Pope once jumped the calender ahead 11 days--now that's time travel!!"

Could you imagine if the Pope tried pulling that now?

Pope: "I declare we are now 11 days in the future."

The World: "Yeah, sure Padre."

Mark Engblom

"I'm not an emporer or emperor. I have a power greater than mere monarchy: Mine is the power of the capitalist: I OWN TIME outright.

Well, I hear Rip Hunter, Time Master begs to differ.

Ivan Wolfe

Re: Rip Hunter.

That's my answer to "who died and made you king?"


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