Last October, my voting campaign to form a Bizarro Justice League turned out to be such a popular feature, the decision to do a sequel was an obvious no-brainer.
However, since last year's vote focused on the DC Comics pantheon of characters, let's switch this year's to Marvel Comics, shall we? Yeah, I know...Bizarro is kind of a DC thing, but in the great tradition of Bizarro disorder and illogic...who cares? Now....let's get to it!
Here's the deal: I've scoured the dregs of internet photo sites to track down some of the world's worst superheroes. They're not necessarily the worst costumes (since some of them are actually quite good), but let's just say the total effect isn't exactly "super-heroic".
Then, every three or four days through October, you'll get to vote on a different character category, picking who you believe deserves to be a member of:
The contestant in each character group who gets the highest number of votes by Monday, October 29th will make the cut....and join the final line-up of the Bizarro Avengers on Halloween Day!
Which Marvel characters will you be voting for? Well, to kick things off, you'll be casting your ballot for Bizarro Thor! Take a look at the contestants in the gallery below (if you dare), then click HERE to vote for your favorite. Er...I mean least favorite (man, this Bizarro logic can get confusing)!
As for the other characters? Stay tuned!
Posted by: Chad Smith | October 04, 2007 at 11:14 AM
They're all so good - it's hard to choose.
Posted by: Lisa at Neptune | October 04, 2007 at 02:19 PM
Isn't it, though? They're all goofy in their own unique ways. Thor's a tough look to pull off in reality, and it looks like all of our contestants were having fun with it.
Posted by: Mark Engblom | October 04, 2007 at 04:06 PM