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October 13, 2007


Greg Walter

I recall a excellent home-made Batman-esque outfit that included earwarmers in the cowl. Thanks mom!

But I can remember some other costumes that had to be hidden in the cold of Minnesota by cold-weather gear. Remember your layers!

Mark Engblom

LOL! Ah...a fellow Minnesotan! You know of what I speak!

Darn moms....didn't they know a cool costume was worth a little hypothermia or frostbite?


Good lord, I could have written this blog. I'm an Iron Ranger who remembers my cool costume being ruined by the need to wear a heavy jacket.

Linda Barth

Dear Mark,
How may I get permission to use the Joy Buzzer ad from your site in my book on New Jersey inventions? Thanks for any help you can provide.
Linda J. Barth
[email protected]

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