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October 31, 2007



Oh, my eyes...

This was fun. Villains could be awesome. Wouldn't I love to see a bizarro MODOK...

Mark Engblom

Hey, glad you enjoyed it, Rich (despite the damage to your eyes).

luis lago

A portuguese voted also...

Mark Engblom

Excellent! Thanks, Luis...or should I say "Obrigado!"

Guess I must not have seen your marker on the little map.


Great lineup! Bring on the villains and, please, don't disqualify Scott Paulin's Red Skull.

Michael Lee

You might some fodder at this URL


for future Bizarro contests.

Mark Engblom

Hey, Michael...thanks for the link!

There's definitely some fodder there for future contests...as well as some stunningly good costumes (the Black Bolt costume is amazing).

Lisa at Neptune

This was GREAT fun!

Mark Engblom

Thanks, Lisa! That's my goal for Comic Coverage, and it's nice to know that's how it's coming across.

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