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September 03, 2007



LOL! Great stuff! I have a ton of old books with that ad in them. Let's consider some things (for fun):

1. Although OJ was traded by the Bills to the 49ers and played there for a couple seasons ('78-'79), they never played a team with green and white colors (like the Eagles or Jets) during the regular season. So that first panel is a boo - boo. Unless it is a pre-season game!

2. How in the hell were two kids allowed to just walk into the Niners' locker room??

3. How did OJ change so fast from the 2nd to 3rd panel?

4. Did OJ forget his last name when he signed that autograph? OR,

5. How ticked off would YOU be if OJ signed his moniker "OJ Dingo"? I mean, how valueless is that autograph now?? And who in the hell would believe you if you tried to convince them it really was OJ Simpson that signed it?

Mark Engblom

All excellent questions, Hube! LOL, loved the "OJ Dingo" observation.

Drew Clements

He needs a Hostess cake in those boots!

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