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August 24, 2007



100-Page Super Spectaculars were the perfect primers for the prospective super-hero fan for life. It sure worked for me. The variety of tales was stupendous. Too bad the format has never been a big sales hit.

Mark Engblom

I forgot to mention that many dealers of the time didn't want to carry the larger 100 pg. Super Spectaculars (risk-averse retailers aren't so much about innovation and format tweaking as they are about sticking with the sure thing). As a result, the 100 pg. Spectaculars are some of the rarest, most sought-after (i.e. "expensive") back issues of the entire Bronze Age era. If you've got 'em, hang onto 'em!


Well, DC thought enough of the big format in late 1973 to make a number of their regular books 100 pagers, though, unlike the earlier Super Spectaculars, they contained ads. Batman is a good example. Issues 254-261 are all 100 pages.


Neal Adams just drew the coolest Batman EVER, didn't he?

Mark Engblom

Definitely. The Neal Adams Batman was quite a seismic shift when it first saw print, defining the basic look of Batman ever since. I have to say, however, that the Batman Adams drew for the above Batman cover is posed a bit awkwardly. It doesn't seem quite up to his high standards.


The 100 pagers are definitely the best. The World's Greatest Superheroes one was one of the first comics I had (must have been about 5), and of course I lost it and thought I'd imagined it until I saw an ad for it about 15 years later. Finding a copy was a highlight of my comics collecting. I had a similar experience with the Superman 252 issue. I even have a large (maybe 36 x 20 inches) B&W promo poster of the Superman 252 cover that DC produced. Don't know exactly where they sent it in those pre-comic shop days, but it's a nice piece that I framed. There's no one like Adams, and these covers were classics. Sam

Mark Engblom

"There's no one like Adams..."

Absolutely! Though I have different opinions about Adams himself (based on his interviews and controversial theories), I'll always be crazy about his comic book work...especially the stuff from the height of his career in the 60's and 70's (before things kinda went off the rails).

Wow, that black and white poster of Superman 252 sounds like a beauty...and must be incredibly rare. Glad to hear you're taking good care of that gem! Thanks for making me aware of it...and for stopping by!

Jerry Hillegas

How about a Fred Hembeck version.

Mark Engblom

Hi Jerry!

I don't know if Fred ever did his take on any of these covers....though I'd love to see them if he did....especially the Flying Heroes cover!

Jerry Hillegas

World's Greatest Superheroes

Mark Engblom

Wow! Thanks for the link, Jerry! I should have know Fred had done an homage of that cover.

Jerry Hillegas

I own the art for that one. I'm sure he has done cover re-dos for the other two, just don't remember where I've seen them. SMILES.

Brian G. Philbin

Nice to see my work being appreciated. Only wish you'd given me credit - I spent untold hours recreating those images.

Mark Engblom

Hey Brian...the covers I posted are the original versions by Neal Adams...none of them are your recreations. I'm not sure what the problem is.

Brian Philbin

Hi, Mark - if you look at my site: http://www.metropolisplus.com/dc100page/index.htm
You'll see that I scanned each of these covers, spine, front and back, then stitched them together. Yes, they are my recreations. Neal Adams drew the original art, but they've never been reproduced for use on the web by him. What you've posted is a re-post of material I restored from scans for viewing on my site. Every item you have here was recreated by me for my own site and you won't find other versions anywhere else that weren't put together by me. Not sure why you don't get that you've lifted work from my article (now 13 years on the web) and presented it as your own "find".

Brian Philbin

I should also mention that I've left artifacts in the touch-up work that essentially "signs" the restorative work as my own. That's how I know where these images came from.

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