Now that I've reached my one year "blogoversary", I thought I'd extend the blatant self-congratulation an extra day by running a little contest similar to the "Am I Blue?" contest I ran back in January.
Instead of blue, this time around I'm picking the perfect blogoversary celebration color: BLACK! Okay, it's not the ideal celebration color, but hey...there's a ton of black-themed comic book heroes and villains, so that's the color I'm going with.
Your mission? Take a look at the 32 "blacklisted" characters below, jot down as many names as you can, then email your answers to me (use the corresponding numbers with each name).
Whoever gets all of the names correct, or whoever gets the most names correct by midnight on Friday, August 24th (whichever comes first), will get mugged! That is, they'll win a free coffee mug from my Secret Identity shop (with over 40 designs to choose from). That's "free" as in "free shipping" as well, so go ahead and take a crack at literally won't cost you a thing!
Oh, one more thing: I'm going to turn off the comments for this post, since I don't want anyone "borrowing" the answers of others to complete their own lists. In the age of Google and Wiki-assisted research, I've gotta do something to keep it challenging!
With that, have fun completing your "Black Ops" mission!