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July 05, 2007


Great White Snark

Looking forward to the series... I'm headed down to my first(!) Comic Con for all four days(!) and I'm already wondering how I'm going to cram everything in. You going to check out the Superman/Doomsday screening on Thursday?

Mark Engblom

If I was there all four days, I'm sure I'd be sneaking a peek of Superman/Doomsday...but this time I'm only stopping by on Sunday, a comparatively low-key day.

I'm sure you're pretty excited about your first trip down there. Hopefully I've got a few tips to make it even more enjoyable. I'll be posting the next one either tomorrow (Saturday) or Sunday. It's the "Getting There and Where to Stay" information, which is probably a moot point for most people going this year (at least I'd HOPE most people would already have their airfare and hotel squared away by now).

Heather B

I made it to my first Comic-Con ever today with my son and we live here in San Diego lol. Had free tickets but was unable to stay the whole day. I hope to go all days next year to see everything and everyone. I dont buy anything but love seeing the characters and such...

you can see my post on it here


I attended my first Con this year. And even though I'm a casual comic book fan I still had an awesome time. Since you were on there Sunday I thought you might like to see some of the stuff from the first two days. Zannel had great coverage, both pictures and videos, of the Con. You can see it at www.zannel.com/comiccon. Enjoy!


these are great! well done.

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