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July 12, 2007


James Meeley

It's funny you used that cover to Wonder Woman #205, mark. I was considering using it in my "Look Out Below" theme at Cover-By-Cover this week. Fortunately, I found another cover I liked better, which didn't need a missle to help make the case.

Good theme, though. One that would be worthy of a Cover-By-Cover feature (and that's no faint praise, brother! ;)). Nicely done!

Mark Engblom

Thanks, James. Coming from a fellow "cover connoisseur", that means alot!

By the way, I love the "Look Out Below" theme. I wish I'd thought of it!


FYI: If memory serves, that Iron Man wasn't Tony Stark. It was Michael O'Brien, aka the Guardsman.

Mark Engblom

You're absolutely right, Hube! I just checked my personal copy. I'll make a slight correction to the paragraph. Thanks!


Captain Marvel Jr. seemed to really like riding vaguely phallic objects back in the day.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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