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June 05, 2007



And they also made a Gwen Stacy clone. Remember "In Soap Operas and Comic Books death is not always fatal". Even Bucky the patron saint of the Marvel Universe, (To copy a quote of Mark Waid about Barry Allen) is now back. Who next Uncle Ben?


Mark Engblom

Well, even the Gwen clone wasn't actually the Gwen that Peter knew, unlike the actual Norman Osborn walking away from his little "chest injury".


Brilliant, brilliant choice. I wasn't born yet (cough cough) when this story was first published, and caught up with it in the mid-80s when it was reprinted in Marvel Tales. By then, there'd been 12+ years of Spider-Man stories that followed, and Gwen Stacey was only a vague memory in the character's history, but i remember, even at 12 or 13, being caught up in the cinematic storytelling and high-stakes emotions of the narrative. For all of steve ditko's obvious brilliance, my favorite period of spider-man is actually 1966-1972, from John Romita through Gil Kane, when there's a perfect balance between superheroics and soap opera, and this tale is really the last gasp of that period (I'd also note the little three-issue coda to this tale, which introduces Luke Cage, and then uses a two-part story about Jameson's son to reflect on heroism and loss. A few issues later, the most overrated character in marvel history-- the punisher-- is introduced, and the silver age is most definitely finished).

Mark Engblom

I agree...the Romita/Kane period was the high point, but I also have to put the Ross Andru stint up there as well. After all, he was the first Spidey artist I came across, followed shortly by Romita in the Marvel Tales reprints (and back issues, of course).

You're right...with Gwen's death and the appearance of the Punisher some eight months later, it's pretty safe to say the Bronze Age was well under way.

Tom the Bomb

I agree on the handling of this story in the movie; as I said on the eve of the new movie, I think the filmmakers get too tempted to do an iconic story right away, in case there's no sequel (http://sensesshattering.blogspot.com/2007/05/spider-man-on-film-part-2-green-goblin.html).

Having just finished the lastest Essentials collection of Amazing Spider-Man, I got to read the 5-issue arc featuring Green Goblin III, Bart Hamilton, in Amazing 176-180. While he didn't last long and will never be remembered in Osborne's league, it's still a fun story that's something of a trial run for the Hobgoblin. As I read more DC lately, I wonder why the Distinguished Competition is able to create so many legacy characters - those who take over a fallen hero or villain's role - and actually have them succeed - Green Lanterns, Flashes, etc. Whereas Marvel's legacy characters are almost always seen as weak pretenders - they almost never stick.

Sometimes the great ones need to stay dead to be remembered fondly.

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