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June 03, 2007



Solid content, Mark. I look forward to more like this, bruh. BTW -- 'preciate the sidebar love! Added you to my pull-list on bahlactus.com as well...


You're familiar with Dan Clowes's superhero, The Death Ray?


Funny thing: when this was retold in Secret Origins #9 (1986), they kept the smoking break, but added Jay thinking to himself, "I really ought to quit..." as he lights up. I'll see if I can post a scan of the panel tonight.


It looks like the trackback didn't work. I've posted scans from two rewrites of Jay's origin, the Secret Origins issue and the 1997 Flash Secret Files, showing DC slowly removing the cigarette from the incident. (I used your scan of the original for comparison -- I hope you don't mind.)

Mark Engblom


Thanks for the link! Your follow up to the original smoking panels is great. I'll include an update in the post itself, and point them toward your post.


Thank you!

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