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June 30, 2007



Mark-- You're a brave man to out yourself as an elephant. (: Even though our votes totally cancel each other's out politically every four years, this is still a fun list (love those linked CBG cartoons)!

Mark Engblom


Glad you liked the list and the cartoons. As for "coming out" as an elephant, people who are familiar with me on various comic book message boards probably figured out I'm conservative (I tend to raise a few hackles), and people reading between the lines here on my blog could probably figure it out as well.



Although I'm pretty liberal by Christian standards, I'm happy that we can be united in our love both for comics and the Christian faith.

Keep up the great work here. I love reading the blog as well as your work over at Comics 101.


Mark Engblom

Thanks, Matt. Oh, and I did see that you'd also tagged me earlier in the week...I guess Heidi's tipped the scale and got me off my butt to do it. Didn't mean to ignore ya.

Glad you like the blog and the Comics 101 stuff. I've got lots more ideas for stuff at Tipton's site, so keep stopping by!


Boy, that Lou Ferrigno character looks like a hulk.

Sorry, I absolutely could not resist. I mean, I tried to. Couldn't do it.

Mark Engblom

Hah! Yeah, he's was definitely a hulking figure when I met him.

Heidi Meeley

Mark, you are so my hero! #5 - Yay! Also, #7- I met Lou about five years ago- big dude. I was too humiliated to even try and flex. Yikes!

Thank you for doing this! I had a blast reading your list!

Mark Engblom

Thanks, Heidi! Glad you enjoyed it (such as it is). By the way, when I met Lou (at an event sponsored by my employer at the time), I also got to meet a woman named Shelley Beattie, who was known as "Siren" on the old American Gladiators TV show. As you know, Lou Ferrigno has always had severe hearing problems, but Shelley was completely deaf. Needless to say, both of them are very inspiring people...but Shelley really impressed me that day, both her spirit and, of course, her incredibly muscular body. Wish I'd gotten a picture with her as well.

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