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June 15, 2007



Wow, that's a nice Christmas card Mark! Other homage covers, let's see...

PvP #2 (Dork Storm)
Sharky #4 (Image)
The Tenth Muse #18 (Avatar)
The Pact #1 (Image)
Fin Fang 4 #1 (Marvel)
Ren & Stimpy Show Special "Four Swerks" (Marvel)

There's a weirdly colored version of the cover from Newton Comics (still called FF #1).

Alter Ego #33
Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide #31
Fantastic Four "The Way it Began" Book and Record Set uses FF 126's cover.

Could it be the most homaged cover EVER? If you need any of these images, just write me.

Mark Engblom

Man! What a mother lode of covers I missed! Thanks, Siskoid! I'll work on tracking the images down and post an update. Anyone else? Keep 'em rolling in!

James Meeley

Interesting point of note about FF #126, is that it was also the first issue of the series NOT to be written by Stan "The Man" Lee (who also co-created the book).

That's part of why they homaged the cover issue #1 on it. To honor that this is a whole new beginning for the "First Family" of super-hero comics, with a new writer at the helm (and one who was not their creator).

Just thought folks might find this little bit of historical trivia interesting. :)

Mark Engblom

You're right, James. This was technically the first issue sans-Stan. But, truth be told, Stan was somewhat of an "absentee landlord" for the last couple of years of getting the writing credit for F.F.

There had been a number of other writers co-credited with Stan up to that point, some of which were given the credit of "dialogue". Since that's essentially much of what the writer did under the "Marvel Style" of plot first, art second, dialogue third, crediting another guy with dialogue or "script" was a fairly obvious sign that Stan's involvement was pretty minor...or nonexistent.

I'm not suggesting anything deceptive on Stan's part, but it was apparent that Stan was increasingly distancing himself from the day to day grind of editing/writing the entire Marvel line by handing over more and more scripting/editing to young turks like Roy Thomas and Gerry Conway...finally making it "official" with issues like Fantastic Four #126.


I don't know if you still want that picture of the Daredevil armor, but here's one.


I know you mentioned it in another Cover to Cover, but I figured it would be easier for everyone to just post it here.

beto chiñas

here´s another homage to that classic cover!!



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