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April 04, 2007


Greg Walter

All father + Kirby = Awesome Scandinavian Goodness

I remember being entranced by Kirby's Asgaard. How much do you think Asgaard looks like Kirby's FF technology? Galactus and Odion look kinda similar.

At any rate keep the Kirby tribute's coming!

Mark Engblom

"All father + Kirby = Awesome Scandinavian Goodness"

Well, see, that's what's so great about Kirby's Asgard: There's absolutely nothing Scandinavian about it!

True, Walt Simonson introduced some authentic Scandinavian flourishes to his version of Asgard back in the 80's, but Kirby's (like much of Kirby's output) was almost completely divorced from anything remotely Scandinavian.

But that's exactly what I loved Kirby's Asgard (and Odin's outlandish headgear).


Among the All-father's special traits was extremely strong neck muscles.

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