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April 27, 2007


Pat Curley

Great post! An aside on Batman Jones: This story was foreshadowed in Batman #92's "The Fan Mail of Danger!" Batman hires a secretary to handle all the fan mail he's generating, and one of the letters she reads to him mentions a couple named Jones naming their son after him.

Mark Engblom

Hey, Pat! Thanks for the info! It's unusual that tales from that period had a "continuity thread" like that running through them. It...it's almost....subtle? Interesting....thanks!

Jonathan Michael Reiter

The Bat-Tank would not be seen again until the epoch making and Epic Batman: The Dark Knight Returns...
And not a moment too soon, either...

Jonathan Michael Reiter

The Bat-Tank would not be seen again until the epoch making and Epic Batman: The Dark Knight Returns...
And not a moment too soon, either...

Jonathan Michael Reiter

The Bat-Tank would not be seen again until the epoch making and Epic Batman: The Dark Knight Returns...
And not a moment too soon, either...

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