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March 06, 2007


Dan Lietha

Now that brings back memories! I was never allowed to buy a monkey, but I wanted to buy one. It would have been great fun playing with a squirrel monkey and Sea monkies too. Of course I was never allowed to buy Sea monkies either. Oh well, I was spared lots of disappointment from getting a dead monkey in the mail and brine shrimp.

Mark Engblom

Hi Dan! We never got the monkey, either....but my brother and I did get a batch of Sea Monkeys, though I don't remember if we got them from the ad or somewhere else.

As you can imagine, the Sea Monkeys were a big disappointment. They looked nothing like the happy cartoon family in the comic book ads! A rip-off of epic proportions.


Yup, I did order one in 1969... have a photo of me at 15 with him! Let me know where to send it!

Mark Engblom

Hi Ronzo! Send the photo to the email address below:

[email protected]

Can't wait to see it! I'd love to do a follow-up post featuring your photo and recollections!

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