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February 15, 2007



That is by far the most hilariously wonderful and appropriate name for what looks to be an incredibly fun feature!

Love your blog--it's not only impeccably and beautifully designed, it's a hoot to read.

Mark Engblom

Hey, thanks, Bully!

Yeah, the Golden Age is full of over-the-top moments, as the practitioners of this relatively new art form were still figuring out the right balance between real life identification and rail-jumping nuttiness. At it's core, it's this "go for broke" spirit that I love the most about Golden Age Comics, despite the typically crude artwork and wonky plots.

Oh, and for those of you reading this, be sure to check out Bully's Comics Outta Be Fun. It's a consistently good read and a real inspiration (and reminder) that it's all about the fun.

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