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February 06, 2007


Elcer Marcel from Brazil

Mr. Engblom, you do have a great taste for comics and for doing your blog.
Great reading, great space.

Mark Engblom

Thanks, Elcer! Say "hi" to everyone I know down in Brazil.

Er....I guess you're the only person I know in Brazil. Never mind.

Seriously, thanks for stopping by....and for the kind words!

Elcer Marcel

Hi to everyone. Excuse me my english.
It´s hard to know anything or anyone from my country, since we don't have nothing beyond beachs and soccer. It's nice to read this blog, one of the best in comic books. Here in Brazil we had a good one, dedicated to classic silver age mostly, but is off since december. We are a poor country, not only in the 'material' meaning. The worst is the povertry in ideas... Comic books here are called "gibis" and i started reading them in the sixties, the brazilian versions of course. Black and white versions mainly.
Now i'm reading all the Superman family in digital form and what a trip in the Time tunnel and memory lane.
All my best, from South of Krypton...

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