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October 18, 2006



He works at the movie store , or subway or some other strip center type shop and he lives in his parent's basement/ attic/ garage. He has 2 friends, one of which has a girlfriend and together they play video/ role playing games. His entire paycheck goes to support his comic/ gaming habit. He is a walking lexicon, if you ever have a question like "Who wrote the Xanth series?" or "What is the life expectancy of a flesh golum?" Then he's your man.


He works at the movie store , or subway or some other strip center type shop and he lives in his parent's basement/ attic/ garage. He has 2 friends, one of which has a girlfriend and together they play video/ role playing games. His entire paycheck goes to support his comic/ gaming habit. He is a walking lexicon, if you ever have a question like "Who wrote the Xanth series?" or "What is the life expectancy of a flesh golum?" Then he's your man.

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