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October 27, 2006


John Phelan

I know they aren't monsters, but this reminds me of the various elderly couples named Aunt May and Uncle Ben who appeared in Atlas tales well before Amazing Fantasy #15 (for one example, see Strange Tales #97).

Stan Lee claims to have created them for Spider-Man, not remembering he had used the names before. It's not like they actually expected anyone to be keeping track of comics!

John Phelan

Also - with that Thorr thing - that is quite interesting considering that on the last panel of the Thor story in JiM #83 spells Thor as "Thorr" (this is often corrected in reprints, however).

Mark Engblom

Yeah, you're right about the double-R Thorr from JIM #83. I had forgotten about that! Good catch!

Also, thanks for the insight about the Aunt May and Uncle Ben "prototypes" in Atlas Comics. According to the Overstreet Price Guide, there are apparently quite a few "test drive" versions of various characters such as Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom, if only in name or similarity of M.O.

The one that really knocked me for a loop was "The Hulk".

John Phelan

Of course, the Hulk (Xenu) fought the the Hulk (Banner) in the early Defenders comics. I always thought that was quite the interesting storyline, considering the names.

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