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September 04, 2006



Three things seem to scream out at me when I look at this cover:

1) The kids look bored out of their minds.

2) The kids look like they've been kidnapped by Captain Marvel and are being forced to listen to tales from Shazam! #6.

3) The kids are waiting for Captain Marvel to finish so they can begin feasting on his brain. ;)

Mark Engblom

"The kids look bored out of their minds."

True....although maybe their minds have been completely blown by the awesome paradox of the INFINITY COVER.

"The kids are waiting for Captain Marvel to finish so they can begin feasting on his brain."

You're right...the kids definitely have that zombie-gray skin.

By the way, thanks for the link on your site! Much appreciated!


You're welcome! I've been reading your blog for awhile and enjoying it, but lurking more than anything. I promise to be a more active commenter.

Kevin Melrose

Ha! I have that comic. I uncovered it (again) just the other day while looking for something else.

Thankfully, that's the only issue in the run they tried the horrible/terrifying photo-illustration mashup.

Jesse Holland

I can say without exaggeration that your take on the Shazam cover had me in tears. I can't stop laughing. Great stuff.


Mark Engblom

Glad you liked it, Jesse! Man...those photo covers were just DREADFUL, weren't they?


Looks to me like the artist just didn't want to finish the cover, so they dropped in a photo. Not a bad cover in line with the others, just a dull one.Had this issue from years ago, and it pales (literally, really) compared to some of your other offerings....

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