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September 27, 2006


John Phelan

For me, you need to do the "annoyed wife with kids."

Okay - not true. For those out there in despair: it is possible to marry a female comic geek. They do exist. Well, she was more of a sci-fi geek when we got married, but she likes comics as well.

However, she does not like to bring the kids into the comic store.

Mark Engblom

Yeah, I can definitely see why she might not want to, considering many of the comic shops I've been in. Some are great, but the vast majority of them aren't what you'd call the G or even PG-rated experience.

Nice to hear your wife is into sci-fi. I'm sure you realize how unique that is.

Heidi Panelli

Great girlfriend shirt, Mark!

"The geek" could always make it up to his girlfriend by taking her shopping for clothes at the mall (an equally miserable experience for most guys I know).

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